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Jacques Castermane

Profile picture for user Jacques Castermane
Zen Master

    Jacques Castermane, physiotherapist by training, student and disciple of Graf Dürckheim since 1967, followed his teaching until his death in 1988. At the same time, he practiced, accompanied by Japanese masters, aikido, karate, the tea ceremony and archery.

    In 1981, Dürckheim inaugurated the Center that bears his name in Drôme. In order to ensure the transmission of the Way traced by the Old Sage of the Black Forest, Jacques Castermane is assisted by Dominique Durand.


    My lessons with Dürckheim - Le Rocher
    The Center of Being - Albin Michel
    Exercised Wisdom (preface by André Comte-Sponville) - The Round Table
    Small Marabout collectors - Ed. Le Relié
    How can one be zen? (preface by Alexandre Jollien)

    In fifty chapters, short and dense, Jacques Castermane reflects here on a Zen for the West, a way of action and secular meditation on a daily basis and for our time: from the natural mystical experience to a new culture of silence necessary in an increasingly noisy world, from knowing the workings of our own mind to exercising simplicity and the desire to change oneself, from the difficulties encountered on the path of awakening to the practice of a correct and balanced breathing…

    All these chapters full of common sense and lucidity lead us to better understand the meaning of our life. “Our fundamental state of health: inner calm,” the author tells us.

    And his book soothes the soul while giving it a new confidence in existence.